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Daan Vandewalle, Emi See, Djuwa Mroivili, Lukas Huisman & Collectif Faire-Part

The Ground of Anything

Julius Eastman, Steve Reich

Evil Nigger and Gay Guerrilla: the titles of these works alone are enough to start a riot in a concert hall today. In any case, you can’t just sit back and savour a bit of minimal music with names like that.

Perhaps all the more so because composer Julius Eastman was gay and Black himself! And even more so since this concert links Eastman’s works to texts and images that bring things even more clearly into relief, if that’s possible. So it’s a concert as a mental exercise, and as striking evidence that few things focus our conscience more than the confrontation with unfiltered modern art.

For years, Muziektheater Transparant has shown itself to be a master in designing projects that look social and other issues right in the eyes. No prejudice is safe from these creatives. That goes for The ground of anything too, an adaptation of their production Joy Boy – A Tribute to Julius Eastman. In addition to the four pianists, among them Eastman expert Daan Vandewalle, the remarkable videos by the Flemish- Congolese artists’ collective Faire-Part will ensure a profound experience.

Production: Muziektheater Transparent

Part of UUR KULTUUR KU Leuven




Maarten Beirens 



Eastman: Evil Nigger

Reich: Piano Phase

Eastman: Gay Guerrilla

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A debate on words and values
Tue 22 Oct · 20:00

Daan Vandewalle

Arnold Schönberg, Anton Webern, Ferruccio Busoni, Charles Ives, Henry Cowell, Frederic Rzewski
Fri 13 Sep · 20:30


Daan Vandewalle

Daan Vandewalle

Pianist Daan Vandewalle enjoys an international reputation as new music specialist, with a strong focus on 20th and 21st century American piano music. His programs are often highly unusual both on a technical and intellectual level, often combining the classical repertoire with premieres of new works written especially for him.

Emi See

Emi See

Emi See is a pianist specializing in the performance of new music. Born in California, she now lives and works in Essen, Germany. In 2023, Emi completed her Postgraduate Soloist Degree and Masters Degree at KASK & Conservatorium Ghent, studying with Daan Vandewalle. She has had the opportunity to work with composers like Bernhard Lang and Shiori Usui, as well as many young composers.

Djuwa Mroivili

Djuwa Mroivili

Djuwa Mroivili (°1998, KM/NL) is a multidisciplinary artist, afro-hair inspirer, curator and researcher based in Amsterdam. Besides her concerts as a classical pianist, she experiments with other formats in which music plays a role. As a maker, she develops performances that are socially critical and conceptually layered, often inspired by findings from archival research.

Lukas Huisman

Lukas Huisman

Lukas Huisman is a Belgian pianist and performer of mainly contemporary classical music, with a great fondness for complex (post-)modern repertoire. On stage or in the studio, solo or in ensembles, he always strives for a well-informed and honest performance, with passion but no-nonsense. He is also interested in jazz and Japanese traditional and contemporary classical music.

Collectif Faire-Part

Collectif Faire-Part

Collectif Faire-Part is an ensemble of Belgian & Congolese artists. Together they aim at telling new stories about Kinshasa, about Brussels, and the many complex relations in between. Next to their shared practise, they try to support each other in their personal artistic projects. They make films, take pictures, curate programs, give workshops and organize a biennial performance festival called SOKL.

A concert as a mental exercise, and as striking evidence that few things focus our conscience more than the confrontation with unfiltered modern art.


€ 25

Free for students with KU Leuven Culture Card, reservation required via UUR KULTUUR

The Ground of Anything Wed 23 Oct 2024 · 20:30
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