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BiSS Quartet

Patchwork and Play

Lassus, Beethoven, Sjostakovitsj, Schnittke

The Russian composer Schnittke plays a game with music history in his String Quartet no. 3. As if using the past to try to fan the flames of his own inspiration, he goes on a shameless borrowing spree, taking fragments from Lassus, Beethoven and Shostakovich.

Not out of laziness, but as a labour of pure love, in an attempt to bring together bits of history, then explore them in greater and greater depth, weaving the strands into a single long tapestry. The composition first presents the three ‘inspirations’, followed by Schnittke’s quartet itself.

Pieter Bergé and the BiSS Quartet will give a short lecture-recital as a prelude to the concert. Once you’re aware of Schnittke’s tricks and techniques, listening to his music is child’s play.


Wed 20 Oct 2021 · 20:30
Grote Aula Maria-Theresiacollege


Orlandus Lassus: Stabat Mater arr. Jeroen D’hoe
Ludwig van Beethoven: Große Fuge op. 133
Dmitri Sjostakovitsj: Strijkkwartet nr. 8 op. 110
Alfred Schnittke: Strijkkwartet nr. 3

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