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Pascal Sigrist, Muhiddin Dürrüoğlu, Alexander Gurning, Eugène Galand

New York - Paris (and back again)

Gershwin, Feldman, Ravel, Varèse

This concert is all about France seen through American eyes and vice versa.

In An American in Paris, New Yorker George Gershwin pulls out all the stops to evoke the frenetic energy of the French capital. In Amériques, the young Edgar Varèse expresses how much the ‘the States’ impressed him. His piece is an overwhelming orgy of sound, like an urban Le sacre du printemps. Sandwiched between these two substantial courses, Morton Feldman searches for the beauty in stillness, and Maurice Ravel will, in his inimitable fashion, hurl himself into an all-destroying waltz.

Thu 14 Oct 2021 · 20:30
LUCA School of Arts campus Lemmens



INTRO Klaas Coulembier



George Gershwin: An American in Paris
Morton Feldman: Vertical Thoughts 1
Maurice Ravel: La valse arr. 2 piano’s
Edgard Varèse: Amériques arr. 2 piano’s

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