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Anthony Romaniuk

Bronze, Ivory and Ebony

Bartók, Crumb, Beethoven, Byrd, Bach, Ives, Shostakovich...

Church bells add colour to the city soundscape, bringing order to the busy urban thrum. 

All this resonating bronze has inspired composers throughout the ages. But how can that low, slow pealing be captured on a piano or harpsichord? How do you transcend the banality of a simple ‘ding, dong’? 

With this challenge in mind, Anthony Romaniuk has put together a remarkable recital that swings between bell sounds by Bach and Bartók, Byrd and Beethoven, and many others. Discover music from some very high place.

Sat 2 Oct 2021 · 20:30
Grote Aula Maria-Theresiacollege


Béla Bartók, Federico Mompou, George Crumb, John Adams, Ludwig Van Beethoven, William Byrd, Matthias Vanden Gheyn, György Ligeti, Johann Sebastian Bach, Anthony Romaniuk, Charles Ives, Dmitri Sjostakovitsj

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