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Claudia Molitor, Lucrecia Dalt

Transit Late Night 'Double Bill'

Molitor, Rennie, Valckenaers, Dalt

Musical night owls can have a great time with two late night-concerts packed into one ‘double bill’!

For her piece Decay, British composer Claudia Molitor is working with local per formers everywhere she plays, for a year. The work gradually unbinds and meta morphoses until, one year on, Decay will have become something completely different. In Leuven, her local sparring partner will be sound wizard Gerrit Valckenaers. For the second part of this double bill, the Colombian-Berlin electronics icon Lucrecia Dalt will play a solo set that will totally get you into that ‘wee-hours’ groove.

Coproduction STUK

Copresentation Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, November Music

Fri 18 Oct 2019 · 22:15


Claudia Molitor: Decay / Lucrecia Dalt

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