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Quatuor Danel & Virpi Räisänen

Lucht van andere planeten

Beethoven, Schönberg

This second concert also has a celestial aspect – in search of the ‘air of other planets’ referred to in Schoenberg’s Second String Quartet. This quartet truly shifted the boundaries. Everything about it was so new that its premiere in 1908 had music-loving Viennese public in an uproar. After the initial distress, however, they were enchanted and moved, and most of all, they realised that this music was actually not as perplexing as it first seemed – wasn’t it above all a continuation of the wondrous musical world of their beloved Beethoven?

Thu 26 Sep 2019 · 20:00
Grote Aula Maria-Theresiacollege


Ludwig van Beethoven: Strijkkwartet nr. 16, Grosse Fuge

Arnold Schönberg: Strijkkwartet nr. 2



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