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Pavel Haas Quartet

Intieme brieven

Schulhoff, Dvořák, Janáček

Schulhoff, Dvořák and Janáček are three completely different personalities and three completely different styles. Yet they all share one common quality: all three are Czech composers with an incredible gift for melancholy. Even in moments of greatest joy, sorrow seems never to be very far away. You may already know Dvořák’s beloved American String Quartet, and Janáček’s Intimate Letters quartet has acquired a fixed place in the repertoire, but Schulhoff’s First String Quartet will be a real discovery for many listeners.

PART OF 'UUR KULTUUR' KU LEUVEN. This concert is free for students with a KU Leuven Culture Card in the UUR KULTUUR series. Please contact: Culture at KU Leuven.

Mon 14 Oct 2019 · 20:30
Grote Aula Maria-Theresiacollege


Ervín Schulhoff: Strijkkwartet nr. 1 / Antonín Dvořák: Strijkkwartet nr. 12 Amerikaans Strijkkwartet / Leoš Janáček: Strijkkwartet nr. 2 Intieme Brieven


Klaas Coulembier, 19:45

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