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Roel Dieltiens & New European Ensemble

Free Solo

Bach & Berio / Concert 1, 2 & 3

‘Free solo’ is a mountaineering term for the art of climbing a steep rock wall without any form of safety gear. This three-concert day is its musical equivalent. On the one hand are the six Suites for Cello Solo by Johann Sebastian Bach, the embodiment of musical simplicity and serenity. On the other hand are the fourteen Sequenzas by the Italian composer Luciano Berio, written between 1958 and 2002 for a diverse range of instruments. All of these pieces explore the outer limits, for both the instruments and performers. Come hear old and new, in a continuous dialogue between simplicity and complexity, heaven and earth, life and death. In short, you’ll have a dazzling musical adventure.


Sun 13 Oct 2019 · 9:00


> 9:00-9:45 INTRO 1 Ignace Bossuyt: Johann Sebastian Bach

> 10:00-12:30 CONCERT 1: Suites 2 & 4 / Sequenza's I-VI

> 13:30-14:15 INTRO 2 Mark Delaere: Luciano Berio

> 14:30-17:00 CONCERT 2: Suites 6 & 1 / Sequenza's VII-X

> 19:00-21:30 CONCERT 3: Suites 3 & 5 / Sequenza's XI-XIV

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