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Oxalys & Yves Saelens

De klacht van de nimf

Britten, Vaughan Williams, Dove, White, Warlock

England is more than just London; once you leave the metropolis, a sweeping landscape opens up before you, undulating from hill to hill. Hedgerows and ancient stone walls add lines to the landscape and wildflowers colour it in. Everything looks like time has passed it by. No wonder so many English composers have fallen for the charms of this idyllic beauty. It has given us the gift of an intense, poetic repertoire, and above all, a music that really does sound different from that of the European continent – ‘splendid isolation’ at its very best. 

Thu 3 Oct 2019 · 20:30
Grote Aula Maria-Theresiacollege


Benjamin Britten: Six Metamorphoses after Ovid (selectie)

Ralph Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge

Jonathan Dove: The End

Felix White: The Nymph’s Complaint for the Death of her Fawn

Peter Warlock: The Curlew


David Burn, 20:30


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