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Ragazze Quartet - Psallentes

Black Angels

Crumb, Britten, Pärt

Black Angels is probably the most impressive string quartet of the second half of the 20th century.

Not only is its content – the war in Vietnam – haunting, but the composition itself will seize hold of you and not let go.

Since Black Angels is almost too upsetting to simply let loose on an audience, the path to and from the Apocalypse is paved with more subdued works by Arvo Pärt and the pacifist Benjamin Britten. These will allow you to build and then release the tension – and the screams of the black angels themselves will come through even more eerily.

Concert of the city of Leuven

Wed 10 Oct 2018 · 20:30
Iers College


George Crumb: Black Angels / Benjamin Britten: Strijkkwartet nr. 1, deel 1 & 3 / Arvo Pärt: And One of the Pharisees

INTRO (Dutch only)

Pieter Bergé, 19:45

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