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I SOLISTI - Robin Engelen


Olivier Messiaen

If you want to not only see and hear music but also feel it sizzling, then this final concert is not to be missed! If the hereafter ever takes tangible form, it will be here!

The deeply religious Messiaen put some imposing scenery along the way to the hereafter with Éclairs sur l’Au-Delà and Et Exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum. His impressive ensemble of more than forty musicians uses only woodwinds, brass and percussion.

Slowly but inevitably, his music propels itself to finally transcend the finite.

Production I SOLISTI & Festival 20/21. Co-presentation DeSingel (Antwerpen), Muziekgebouw Aan Het Ij (Amsterdam), De Bijloke (Gent), Concertvereniging Lemmens (Leuven)

Thu 25 Oct 2018 · 20:00
LUCA School of Arts campus Lemmens


Olivier Messiaen: Éclairs sur l’Au-Delà… (selectie), Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum


Mark Delaere, 19:15

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