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Tiptoe Company & ChampdAction

Mariën, Alessandrini

Using the title hacking the piano, the Tiptoe Company will bring together two composers who each have their very own approach to the icon of classical music, the piano. This promises to be a thoroughly alternative look at the instrument, radically re- or detuned, taken apart until only the frame remains, and complemented with other instruments and electronics. Patricia Alessandrini starts with a disassembled piano frame, while Tim Mariën will present another chapter in his collaboration with Tiptoe, with whom he appeared at Transit in 2015.

With special thanks to Q-O2, where Patricia Alessandrini was hosted in residence.

Production: ChampdAction

Sat 13 Oct 2018 · 14:00


Tim Mariën (premiere) / Patricia Alessandrini (premiere)

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