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Abdel Rahman El Bacha

Preludes for Piano

Bach, Chopin & Rachmaninov

El Bacha will take you through the 24 preludes of Bach, Chopin and Rachmani- noff – that’s 24 x 3 pieces, spanning two hundred years of music history from the late baroque to the overripe Romantic.

Forty years ago the Lebanese pianist Abdel Rahman El Bacha won Belgium’s Queen Elisabeth Competition, at barely nineteen! Afterwards, he stayed in Belgium, where he has built himself an impressive international career. El Bacha is still in demand all over the world, but he has a special bond with Belgian audiences.

In October the pianist will be 60, a good reason for a grand birthday present! But it’s mainly the pianist himself who will treat you to a multi-course menu of preludes. Seventy-two variations on a basic recipe are on the menu, and there’s also the birthday cake.

Coproduction 30CC

Sun 7 Oct 2018 · 14:30


  • 13:30-14:15 Intro Jan Christiaens (Dutch only)
  • 14:30-16:00 Concert 1: From C-major to f-minor
  • 16:00-17:00 Intermezzo: birthday cake and coffee or tea
  • 17:00-18:30 Concert 2: From F#-major to b-minor

Johann Sebastian Bach: 24 preludes (Das Wohltemperierte Klavier BWV 846-893), Frédéric Chopin: 24 preludes op. 28, Sergej Rachmaninov: 24 preludes op. 23 en 32

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