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Jan Michiels - Lore Binon - Lise Bruyneel - Pieter Bergé

Last words

Satie, Cage, Liszt

The phrase ‘last words’ always captures the imagination, especially if the last words are those of great historical figures like Socrates or Jesus.

Satie’s La mort de Socrate is based on Socrates, as is Cage’s ‘cheap imitation’ of it. The Way of the Cross walked by Jesus Christ is in turn the inspiration for Liszt’s Via Crucis. With Satie ‘the words’ are still audible, but with Cage and Liszt they live on only as vague phantoms in the score.

However, a graphic projection by Lise Bruyneel will refresh your memory.


Mon 22 Oct 2018 · 20:30


Erik Satie: La mort de Socrate / John Cage: Cheap Imitation III / Franz Liszt: Via Crucis

INTRO (Dutch only)

Pieter Bergé, 19:45

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