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Thomas Dieltjens & Piet Kuijken - Tom De Cock & Titus Franken

The dance of the earth

Béla Bartók, Igor Stravinski

The premiere of Stravinsky’s Le sacre du printemps in 1913 sent a shock wave through Western music history. A journalist expressed the feelings of many when he nicknamed the work “Le massacre du tympan” or “The massacre of the eardrum”. Although Le sacre no longer sounds like a massacre to us today, the work’s primordial power is still every bit as overwhelming.

The same is true for Bartók’s most frequently played chamber work, the Sonata for two pianos and percussion. This piece also spares no effort to overwhelm the listener, using both brute force and beautiful simplicity.

Opening concert of the academic year KU Leuven / sponsors: Peeters drukkerij - uitgeverij - boekhandel & BNP Paribas Fortis

Mon 24 Sep 2018 · 20:30
Aula Pieter De Somer


Béla Bartók: Sonate voor twee piano’s en slagwerk / Igor Stravinski: Le Sacre du Printemps (arrangement)

INTRO (Dutch only)

Maarten Beirens, 19:45 (Kleine Aula Maria Theresia College)

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