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Meadowcroft, Cleare, Vanpaemel, Einbond

In the US, Yarn/Wire has a solid reputation as one of the most exciting ensembles on the New York scene, so it was high time to introduce this piano-percussion quartet to the Transit audience.

They will play pieces written specially for them, including works by Thomas Meadowcroft and Ann Cleare. Aaron Einbond will take a virtual walk through New York with the ensemble, with Leuven composer Jasper Vanpaemel providing contrast. Judging from the list of percussion instruments (including an old record player, two flower pots and two salad spinners), this will be a concert full of unbridled sonic imagination.

Crowdfunding world creation Jasper Vanpaemel

The young Leuven-based composer Jasper Vanpaemel is writing a new work, commissioned by Transit, for… 20 wine glasses, five triangles, rubber ball, plastic globe, joysticks, keyboards,… The two pianists and two percussionists of the New York-based ensemble Yarn/Wire will come over to Leuven to perform this world premiere which is – literally – wrapped in shadows (Sat 21/10/17 8.30p.m.)

Contribute to the creation of The Wire by Jasper Vanpaemel during Transit 2017!


  • a wine glass,
  • a triangle,
  • a plastic globe…
  • and/or take a front row seat at the premiere on Saturday 21 October 2017 in Leuven, Belgium.
Sat 21 Oct 2017 · 20:30


Thomas Meadowcroft Walkman Antiquarian (2013)

Ann Cleare I should live in wires for leaving you behind (2014)

Jasper Vanpaemel The Wire (wereldcreatie)

Aaron Einbond The Kind of a Problem a City is (2016)

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