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Slagwerk Den Haag

Trails of Timber: The sound of wood

Volker Staub, John Cage, Steve Reich, Michael Gordon

The always-amazing ensemble Slagwerk Den Haag has put together a new programme especially for Festival 20/21. The ensemble will take you along on an adventurous percussion trail, on which all the ‘instruments’ are made of wood. The path begins with a completely ordinary unprocessed tree trunk, the sounds of which are still similar to the ancient sounds of nature (Waldstücke). Gradually the sound spectrum expands: sophisticated principles of order bring about structure and development (Music for Pieces of Wood); overtone effects help to create separate sound colours (Timber). The trail reaches its high point when six marimbas join forces and cause a tsunami of resonances (Six Marimbas). This concert promises to be a real spectacle, not only because of the sounds, but also because of the enormous power of ‘seeing’ these works played. The minimalistic undertone of the music also makes it a haunting and fascinating experience.

in association with Concertvereniging Lemmensinstituut

Tue 11 Oct 2016 · 20:00
LUCA School of Arts campus Lemmens


Volker Staub: Waldstücke Nr. 24 / John Cage: Branches (Interlude), Branches (Interlude)/ Steve Reich: Music for Pieces of Wood, Six Marimbas / Michael Gordon: Timber selectie.


Maarten Beirens, 19:15 (!) (Concert at 20:00h)

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