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Trio Khaldei & Triatu

The Noise of Time: Utopia of free expression

Dmitri Sjostakovitsj

Dmitri Shostakovich epitomises the 20th-century utopian artist trying to make his voice heard in a regime of terror and repression as no other composer can. Throughout his entire life, the Russian composer was tossed back and forth between humiliation and adoration, rejection and rapprochement.

His last symphony, here in a unique version for piano trio and thirteen percussion instruments, is a retrospective of his turbulent and exhausting life as an artist. The symphony simultaneously weeps and shouts victory, while referring to earlier triumphs and never-processed grief. In an intriguing attempt to find his own identity, Shostakovich quotes Wagner, Rossini and even himself in it.

Besides the symphony, you’ll also hear Shostakovich’s haunting second piano trio, one of his most poignant masterpieces, written at a time when Stalin’s terror was being outdone by the horrors of Hitler. Both works are moving and staggering in their utopian yearning to express the indescribable.

Opening concert of the academic year of KU Leuven / within the context of THE FUTURE IS MORE. 500 YEARS UTOPIA / Co-production AMUZ

Sponsors: BNP Paribas Fortis – Peeters drukkerij/uitgeverij/boekhandel

Mon 26 Sep 2016 · 20:30
Aula Pieter De Somer


Dmitri Sjostakovitsj: Symfonie nr. 15, op. 141 arrangement V. Derevianko, Klaviertrio nr. 2, op. 67


Pieter Bergé, 19:45

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