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Frank Braley

Gershwin Triple Sunday - One!

George Gershwin

30CC and the Flanders Festival in Flemish Brabant are joining forces for a unique all- Gershwin day. George Gershwin is one of the 20th century’s most popular American composers. His reputation is due mainly to his unusual musical versatility. Besides being a gifted songwriter and brilliant improviser, he was also a first-class bridge-builder between classical and popular music and he was an innovator within the American musical theatre tradition. Gershwin Triple Sunday will highlight his many facets.

One! French top pianist Frank Braley combines Gershwin’s works with a few jazzy compositions by Ravel, Debussy, Stravinsky, Schulhoff and Hindemith, European masters of the 1920s and 30s. After a few more classical Gershwin pieces, you will of course hear his unsurpassed Rhapsody in Blue!

Coproduction 30CC

Sun 18 Oct 2015 · 11:00


Works of Gershwin & jazzy compositions of Ravel, Debussy, Stravinski, Schulhoff and Hindemith.


13:15 Waldo Geuns leidt u binnen in de interne keuken van componist George Gershwin. Van aan de piano demonstreert hij hoe de Amerikaan erin slaagde om zijn unieke stempel te drukken op de muziek van de jaren 1920-30.



Ticket for all three concerts:One! Braley+Two!! Vandewalle +Three!!! Flath earth society = 40 EURO

Lunch: 10 EURO

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