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Elizabeth Keusch & Yukiko Sugawara

Neyrinck, André & Lachenmann

This year’s Transit festival ends in a certain sense the way it began: with a meeting of different generations of composers. Helmut Lachenmann is also celebrating an important birthday (he will be 80 this year), but even if he weren’t, this giant of new music has earned a place on the Transit programme. In the experienced hands of pianist Yukiko Sugawara and the American soprano Elizabeth Keusch, Lachenmann’s breathtakingly beautiful song cycle Got Lost is the perfect proof that the most exciting new music is not necessarily produced by a new generation of composers. With two impressive piano works, Mark André and Frederik Neyrinck (world premiere!) will provide a musical riposte to the great German master. This will be an intimate closing concert, throwing all the expressive facets of voice and piano into the ring.

Sun 25 Oct 2015 · 20:30


Mark Andre: Iv 1 (2010)
Frederik Neyrinck: Kandinsky-Etüde 4 - 5 Observationen - 2 Improvisationen (world creation) COM Transit
Helmut Lachenmann: Got Lost (2007-2008)


Pauline Driesen, 19:45

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